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Citizens to be Barred from Speaking at Council Meeting on Flag Removal

Saturday, August 15, 2015, 1:59 pm News Flash Archive

Friday, the City Council announced that it will take up a joint "MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION" banning the state flag from all city properties.

See The Taxpayers Channel's breaking coverage of this item late last evening here: Flag Removal on Tuesday's City Council Agenda

The City revealed its intention to vote on this resolution this coming Tuesday, but only AFTER it was too late for any concerned citizens to get on the agenda to speak for or against the resolution.

In other words: the public was not told about the resolution until after the deadline for speaking on the subject had already passed.

City Council rules prohibit a citizen from speaking in the "public agenda" portion of the meeting unless he has asked to be on the agenda. The cut-off for being placed on the agenda is sometime late Thursday or early Friday morning.

Neither the City Council nor the Mayor made public the City's intention to consider a flag removal resolution until AFTER that deadline had passed, making it impossible for any citizen to speak on the matter at Tuesday's meeting.

John Pittman Hey
The Taxpayers Channel

News Flash Archive
