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Greenwood city council votes pay raises for council members and mayor

Wednesday, February 21, 2024, 2:25 pm News Flash Archive

At yesterday's regular city council meeting, the council voted to raise the pay of its members and the mayor. All seven council members were present and voted for the pay increases.

The passage of the pay raises may be seen in this video of the meeting, starting at 37 minutes: Greenwood City Council meeting, February 20, 2024

According to the Greenwood city code, the current pay for council members is $16,500 per year. The annual pay for the mayor is $78,000.

The resolution was passed without any discussion. The new salary figures were never mentioned in the meeting.

This afternoon, The Taxpayers Channel requested a copy of the Ordinance to obtain and report the new salaries that have been set. That document may be seen here: City Council ordinance raising salaries of council members and mayor

According to the Ordinance amending the current salaries, the council members' salaries will rise to $21,500 per year, an increase of 30%, while the mayor's salary will rise to $83,000 per year, an increase of 6.4%.

The Ordinance was moved by Charles McCoy, and seconded by Andrew Powell.

According to the ordinance, the pay hikes will take place starting July 1, 2025.

The council last received a pay raise in 2013, when it jumped from $13,440 to the current $16,500 per year.

The Ordinance requires publication of the increased salaries in the legal notices of the Greenwood Commonwealth in the coming weeks.

John Pittman Hey
The Taxpayers Channel

News Flash Archive
