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Greenwood Planning Commission

The Planning Commission, which is appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council, is responsible for previewing and approving plans to approve special uses and make exceptions to the zoning ordinances. All decisions are subject to final approval by the City Council of Greenwood.

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Greenwood Planning Commission
Greenwood Planning Commission Meeting
Monday, March 18, 2024

Running Time 83 min
First Posted on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 at 3:00 pm

The Greenwood Planning Commission held its monthly meeting upstairs at the Greenwood City Hall.

Most of the meeting was used to consider the proposal to rehab the old Antoon store on Carrollton Avenue. The commission went into executive session at one point.

At the end, the commission voted to allow the variance to put apartments in the building, but required that at least 25% of the ground floor be used for commercial space, that each apartment have its own washer and dryer, and that there be 1.5 parking spaces per unit provided off street. It was not clear where those could be located, since the building is land locked.

The developer's representative stated that they would know in the next four or five days whether the project could go forward under the conditions set by the commission.
