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     Channel's Guestbook    Tuesday, July 16, 2024
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This Guestbook is open to receive comments about The Taxpayers Channel and the programs and services that we provide to the community. Let us know which programs you enjoy watching most!

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Name Frank S. Smith     
Date Wednesday, March 7, 2007 11:28 am
Place Greenwood, Ms
Comment Until recently I had no idea that this website exsisted. John, I must commend you for your efforts in starting and maintaining this site for all to see. I am not a politician, however if I ever was you are one of the people that I would want in my corner. I, as you, believe in our elected officals doing what we pay them to do and I also believe in ethical behavior in our officals as well. The problems that we are having with local government at present will only become worst if something is not done to correct them. I will do as much as I can and I know you will also. FSS
Editor's Reply Thanks, Frank, for those kind words. We need more people to get involved in holding our government officials accountable.
Name Raymond Stewart     
Date Friday, August 18, 2006 5:35 pm
Place Newtownabbey, County Antrim
Comment Greetings from Northern Ireland ! We trust that any Bible Believers will visit our REFORMATION IRELAND website at We seek to spread the Gospel and the Faith 'once delivered unto the saints'
Name Maryann H. Stanton     
Date Saturday, December 3, 2005 10:38 pm
Place Greenwood, Ms
Comment John, you have made an idea into a reality that we never imagined !!

Those who have gone into eternity, especially Howard and Bill Hardy, would applaud your diligence and your ability to do things well by bringing a channel disappointment into a website opportunity that has opened even more doors for success.

Thank you for showing the Grenwood and Leflore County taxpayers their represesntatives, both Council and Supervisors, at work for the benefit of all who elected them.

Can't wait to see what's next !!

Name Phil Wolfe     
Date Friday, December 2, 2005 4:43 pm
Place Greenwood,Ms
Comment To my good friend John Hey

As a supervisor for district one, Leflore County going on four terms, I know of no one that has had more impact on Leflore County than John. Always on the lookout for dishonest, corrupt politicians and government.

John is a champion of the taxpayer and a big headache for the crooks in government.

I'm very proud to call you friend, keep up the good work.The citizens of Leflore county need you.

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