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     Channel's Guestbook    Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Welcome to the Guestbook

This Guestbook is open to receive comments about The Taxpayers Channel and the programs and services that we provide to the community. Let us know which programs you enjoy watching most!

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  Guestbook Entries   
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Name Kimberly Wolfe Martin     
Date Tuesday, November 29, 2005 12:27 am
Place Greenwood, MS
Comment The Taxpayers Channel has been instrumental in keeping the citizens of Greenwood informed on their local government. TTC has also brought many wonderful events, festivals, church programs and parades into our homes through our televisions. Now, I am so happy to find that it has taken its place on the internet so that we can share with others. Keep up the good work!
Editor's Reply Thank you for your kind words!
Name John Pittman Hey     
Date Tuesday, November 29, 2005 12:13 am
Place Greenwood, Mississippi
Comment Welcome to the guestbook for The Taxpayers Channel!

Feel free to post your comments about the web site and the programs you have viewed!

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