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Ex Police Officer S C Perkins sues city, mayor

Wednesday, April 8, 2015, 12:00 am News Flash Archive

Yesterday, former Greenwood police officer S. C. Perkins Jr. filed an employment discrimination lawsuit against the city of Greenwood and Mayor Carolyn McAdams.

In the suit, Perkins claims that Mayor McAdams forced him out of the department by removing him from his position as litter control officer and returning him to patrolman status. Perkins claims that McAdams did this as an act of political retaliation for his support for his sister-in-law Sheriel Perkins in her last run for mayor against McAdams.

Perkins' lawsuit may be viewed here: Perkins v. City of Greenwood

As required by law, Perkins had previously filed a complaint with the EEOC. That filing may be viewed here: Perkins' EEOC Complaint

Perkins, who had worked in the police department since 1989, is represented by his brother, local attorney and State Representative Willie J. Perkins Sr.

Perkins also claims that McAdams disliked him "because of his brother [Willie Perkins] whom she despised and hated." Perkins gives several reasons for that alleged hatred, including:

1. Willie Perkins is representing his wife Sheriel in an election lawsuit against the Mayor.

2. Willie Perkins successfully defended the city council against the Mayor's lawsuit soon after she took office.

3. Willie Perkins used his legislative position to "prevent[] the defendant McAdams from wasting taxpayers money."

Perkins claims that McAdams tried to pressure then-acting police chief Johnny Langdon to force him from his position as litter control officer. In the end, Perkins claims, she was successful.

Perkins claims that he was forced to resign his position after Langdon, under pressure from the mayor, removed him from his position and placed him back on patrol. Langdon himself resigned his position days later with a now-notorious hail of invective against the mayor, claiming that she had interfered with the running of the police department.

Perkins claims that, at 67 years of age, he is unable to work a patrol shift, and that he was constructively terminated by the transfer.

Perkins also claims that, as a pastor, he is required to maintain a 9-5 work schedule during weekdays, so that he can perform his duties as a minister to his flock during evenings and weekends. A patrol shift, with its rotating work schedule, would not allow him to continue his pastoral duties. Perkins claims that the Mayor and department heads knew about his ministry commitments, and deliberately placed him in the conflicting patrolman position, forcing him to resign from the police department.

Perkins claims that McAdams complained that the department "needed to get rid of [Perkins] because he was not supporting her bid for re-election as Mayor."

Perkins claims that his position was filled by a considerably younger white officer with less experience.

Perkins is asking for $1,000,000, as well as punitive damages, costs, and attorney's fees.

When contacted this morning, Mayor McAdams stated that neither she nor the city have been served with the lawsuit as of yet.

Mayor McAdams provided this statement to The Taxpayers Channel:

"Sgt. Perkins filed an EEOC last year with the same accusations as you mentioned. Sgt. Perkins accusations are so untrue and the EEOC passed on it as well. Sgt. Perkins was unsatisfied with the EEOC's ruling and he asked for reconsideration to no avail yet again.

"Sgt. Perkins is a policemen and he was the litter control officer for Greenwood. He was reassigned from this position without losing his rank or any pay reduction.

"While it is true he is Willie Perkins' brother, that had absolutely nothing to do with the reassignment. In fact he served in this capacity my entire first term.

"Sgt. Perkins' resignation from the police department was his decision and he never came into my office at any time with a complaint in connection to his reassignment."

Perkins' "right to sue" letter from the EEOC indicates that "This notice should not be taken to mean that the Department of Justice has made a judgment as to whether or not your case is meritorious."

That letter may be viewed here: Perkins' EEOC "right to sue" letter

John Pittman Hey
The Taxpayers Channel

News Flash Archive
