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Special Election on December 20th!

Monday, December 5, 2011, 4:13 pm News Flash Archive

The Acting Governor, William G. Hewes III, signed an order on November 30th calling for a special election on December 20th to fill the Supervisor District 3 seat.

This special election followed a court decision to throw out the primary and general elections due to absentee ballot fraud in the August primary.

The Governor's Writ may be viewed here: Governor's Writ Calling Special Election

The Writ specifically orders that only three candidates, Anjuan Brown, Preston Ratliff (the incumbent) and Charles McCain will be on the election ballot.

A majority of the vote is required to win the seat. A run-off will be held January 10th if none of the candidates secures a majority on December 20th.

Interestingly, the Writ was signed November 30th, but apparently nobody in Leflore County government received a copy until this morning.

John Pittman Hey
The Taxpayers Channel

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