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Citizen Video refutes Police Chief Moore's statements

Thursday, April 9, 2015, 10:08 am News Flash Archive

The statements made by Greenwood Police Chief Ray Moore to the Greenwood Commonwealth in yesterday's newspaper are shown to be clearly false when compared to the citizen video taken by Mr. Jelani Barr of the incident.

Mr. Barr has posted what appears to be an unedited video that he took of Greenwood police at a local service station Tuesday night.

The video shows that as soon as the police demanded that Mr. Barr leave the scene, he complied.

They arrested him anyway.

At no time did Mr. Barr approach any police officer or any other person on the scene.

At no time did Mr. Barr create a disruption or behave in an offensive manner, or interfere with the police officers' duties.

Chief Moore had stated to the Greenwood Commonwealth that Barr "came as close as standing between the patrol car that had stopped the car and the car that was stopped."

But the video clearly shows that Barr never stood between the two cars. Instead, he stayed in the sidewalk that the two cars were parked beside.

Moore further stated: "He was told several times to back off, and he refused."

The video shows this statement to be completely false.

Moore further stated: "He was interfering with the officers doing their job."

The video shows this statement to be completely false.

Moore stated finally that it was Barr's "refusal to back away that was the issue."

The video shows that Barr walked away from the scene 10 seconds after he was first requested to do so.

The video may be seen here: Jelani Barr Arrest Video

John Pittman Hey
The Taxpayers Channel

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