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School Board fires Superintendent Montrell Greene

Monday, January 4, 2016, 7:45 pm News Flash Archive

This afternoon, the Greenwood Public School Board of Trustees summarily fired Superintendent Dr. Montrell Greene in executive session. No reason was given to the public in attendance as to why this action was taken.

The train of events began early this morning when Board President Bill Clay submitted his resignation effective immediately.

Later this morning, newly appointed Board member Deirdre Mayes circulated a petition garnering three signatures of Board members calling an emergency meeting for 5 p.m. this afternoon.

The Board elected Mayes as its new president, then voted to go into executive session to discuss "personnel matters."

While in executive session, the Board discussed terminating Dr. Montrell Greene. Reasons discussed included low test scores, and issues relating to accreditation and the possibility of school takeover by the state.

Dr. Greene was not permitted to be present in the executive session, and was not permitted to ask or answer any questions, even after board member George Ellis requested that he be given a chance to defend himself.

While in executive session, the Board then voted 3-1 to fire Greene. Board members Randy Clark, Samantha Milton, and Deirdre Mayes voted in favor, and George Ellis voted against the firing.

The Board also voted to appoint Charles Brooks, a retired administrator, as interim Superintendent. Brooks is the brother of former city council president Arance Williamson.

John Pittman Hey
The Taxpayers Channel

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