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Democrats Boot Glenn from Ballot

Tuesday, March 21, 2017, 11:15 am News Flash Archive

The Leflore County Democrat Executive Committee has removed Dorothy Glenn from the ballot for Ward 5 city council. The letter announcing the committee's decision may be seen here: Committee Letter removing Glenn from Ballot.

Andrew Powell, the Ward 5 incumbant who is also running as a Democrat, filed a challenge to Glenn's residency. The Committee met on March 16, heard evidence from Glenn and from Powell, who is represented by James Bell, and decided that Glenn could not prove she actually lives in Ward 5.

The decision letter is signed by Robert Sims, chairman of the Leflore County Democrat Executive Committee. It is not clear why the appeal was not heard by the Greenwood Democrat Executive Committee, which under state law is responsible to conduct the municipal primary election. State election law permits the county executive committee to serve when no municipal committee exists.

Glenn was removed from the ballot the last time she ran for Ward 5 city council after a contentious election contest pursued by Mr. Powell. At that time, she claimed to live at 116 Longino Street in Ward 5, but Special Judge Henry Lackey ruled that she was dishonest in her testimony, and that she did not in fact reside in Ward 5.

Judge Lackey's detailed opinion may be seen here: Judge Lackey Opinion Removing Dorothy Glenn as Democrat Nominee.

Glenn served on the city council for over a year while she took an appeal to the state Supreme Court, but in October 2014, that Court upheld Lackey's decision and ousted Glenn from office. Powell was elected to fill the remainder of the term in a special election. The Supreme Court decision may be seen here: Supreme Court Opinion Removing Glenn.

John Pittman Hey
The Taxpayers Channel

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