The Greenwood Leflore Hospital Board of Trustees held its regular monthly meeting. This meeting had been delayed, and was in reference to the financial situation in October 2024.
According to the financial report reviewed by CFO Dawne Holmes, the Hospital had an overall loss of $314,000 in October.
At the end of October, the useable cash and equivalents were $ 4.0 million.
As of the end of October, the hospital still owes Medicare $2.356 million. The Medicare loan is being paid down at around $102,000 per month.
According to Mrs. Holmes, the hospital's FEMA damages claim from COVID has finally been approved in the amount of $969,488. It wasn't made clear when that money will hit the hospital's financial statement.
The board then went into executive session, with the public and the press excluded for 60 minutes.
While in executive session, the board approved the sale of certain properties, but no other details were provided.