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Another Doctor Leaving Greenwood Leflore Hospital

Wednesday, May 15, 2019, 12:00 pm News Flash Archive

Dr. Guy Shoaf has turned in his resignation to the Greenwood Leflore Hospital, The Taxpayers Channel has confirmed. The medical staff was informed of his resignation this morning.

Dr. Shoaf is the third urologist to leave Greenwood in a year. Once his notice days are up, Greenwood's sole remaining urologist will be Dr. James Robbins.

As we reported earlier, in late summer 2018, urologist Dr. Thomas Weldon grew frustrated with the Hospital Board when it refused to renew his contract without a deep cut in pay. He was recruited by DRMC in Greenville with a substantial pay increase, and finally accepted an even better paying agreement at UMMC Grenada.

Then, last February, the community was shocked and outraged when the Hospital fired Dr. James Hardin, a well beloved and highly respected urologist, for no apparent reason. See our coverage here: Hospital Fires Beloved Long-time Doctor.

Hardin's firing partially fulfilled the Hospital Board's plan, hatched in early 2018, to fire both Dr. Hardin and Dr. Robbins. Then CEO Jim Jackson thwarted the plan, and the Hospital Board fired him in March 2018.

Dr. Shoaf began voicing his concerns after Dr. Weldon had been forced out at GLH. Shoaf had come to Greenwood in March 2018 with the understanding that he would be one of four urologists, but without Weldon, that left Shoaf with a heavier call schedule than he had been promised.

The firing of Dr. Hardin in February meant that only Shoaf is now handling night call, since Dr. Robbins is exempt due to his longevity.

Sources have told The Taxpayers Channel that in the past week, Shoaf had a contentious meeting with the administration about these matters, which precipitated Shoaf's resignation.

Due to the hospital administration and board's gross mis-management, in less than a year, Greenwood has gone from having top-notch, full coverage urological services, down to a single urologist remaining.

Now, all eyes are focused on the impending end of GLH Board president Sammy Foster's term as a board member in June. Mayor Carolyn McAdams has assured several people that Mr. Foster will not be reappointed, and hospital staff and administration are openly salivating over the prospect, as Mr. Foster is viewed by some as a toxic influence on the Hospital's future.

The only question is, what further destruction and mayhem can be wrecked in the month that remains.

For complete coverage of these and other hospital milestones, please go here: Taxpayers Channel coverage of Greenwood Leflore Hospital's downfall.

John Pittman Hey
The Taxpayers Channel

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