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Greenwood to impose criminal sanctions under new garbage laws

Monday, March 16, 2015, 12:00 am News Flash Archive

For the first time, it will be a crime for Greenwood citizens to leave their garbage cans in front of their residences or places of business except on the days that garbage is collected on their street.

The newly created crime will impose fines and/or imprisonment of citizens who fail to remove their garbage cans within 24 hours of pickup.

The new Solid Waste Ordinance was circulated at the last city council meeting, and it is on the agenda for adoption tomorrow afternoon.

Section 10-7(a) reads in part: "All solid waste storage containers shall be removed from the front of residence or place of business within twenty-four (24) hours of the time of collection."

This new language was added, having not appeared in prior enactments of the ordinance governing the collection of garbage.

Any failure to comply with the new directive results in a criminal fine and/or imprisonment. Section 10-28 of the proposed Ordinance reads as follows:

"Any person who fails, neglects, or refuses to comply with the terms and provisions of any section, subsection, or part of this chapter or who in any way violates any of the terms or provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) or be imprisoned in the city jail for not more than fifteen (15) days or be sentenced to pay both such fine and serve such term of imprisonment at the discretion of the committing magistrate or judge. Each twenty-four hour period after receiving notification such person shall fail to comply with any terms or provision of any section, subsection, or part of this chapter shall constitute a separate violation."

The entire draft Ordinance was provided to TTC from city hall officials, and may be read here: Draft Garbage Ordinance Revision

John Pittman Hey
The Taxpayers Channel

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