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Hospital report released

Thursday, August 9, 2012, 9:42 am News Flash Archive

The report on the future of the Greenwood-Leflore Hospital, which is owned by the city and county, has been obtained by The Taxpayers Channel. The report was prepared by Horne Group at the request of the city, county, and hospital board.

The Board of Supervisors is meeting now to receive the report. The City Council is set to meet at 10:30 in secret session to receive the report. Council President Ronnie Stevenson has announced that the press will be barred from this meeting.

The Hospital Board and medical staff are scheduled to meet at 5 pm this afternoon with Horne Group to review the report. That meeting is also closed to the public.

The report may be viewed here: Horne Group Report on Greenwood Leflore Hospital

The report was prepared in anticipation of an attempt to sell or lease the hospital, though there is at present no agreement to do so.

The report recommends three possible alternatives:

1. expand the hospital board to 7 members, including a physician.

2. turn the hospital over to a local non-profit community based corporation to maintain local, but not political control.

3. sell or lease the hospital to a private corporation.

For complete coverage of these and other hospital milestones, please go here: Taxpayers Channel coverage of Greenwood Leflore Hospital's downfall.

John Pittman Hey
The Taxpayers Channel

News Flash Archive
