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Supreme Court upholds McAdams v. Littleton

Thursday, April 28, 2011, 4:09 pm News Flash Archive

This afternoon, the Mississippi Supreme Court upheld the lower court's ruling in favor of Mayor Carolyn McAdams' suit to force former city attorney James Littleton to vacate his position.

When the city council refused to confirm McAdams' appointment of Lee Abraham to the post of city attorney, Littleton claimed he could "hold over" as city attorney until his successor was confirmed by the city council.

This "holding over" would have the effect of removing any pressure from the City Council to agree to the Mayor's appointment to replace Littleton.

McAdams went to court asking that Littleton be prohibited from acting as city attorney and confirming that the position was vacant. The Court granted her request.

Littleton appealed the chancellor's ruling, but today, the Supreme Court upheld McAdams' win. It held that Littleton had no authority to continue to hold his office after his term expired.

The opinion may be viewed here: Supreme Court Opinion

John Pittman Hey
The Taxpayers Channel

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