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AG Opinion Decimates Peoples' Petition

Wednesday, July 18, 2012, 11:15 am News Flash Archive

The Attorney General has just issued his opinion regarding the validity of candidate petitions which are lacking the name of the candidate.

Based upon the AG opinion, the petition of Bobbie Peoples must be rejected entirely, because her name as the candidate does not appear at the top of any of the pages.

The election law requires a candidate for Election Commission to submit a petition by the filing deadline (June 4th this year) which contains the signatures of 50 qualified voters in the district requesting that the candidate be listed on the ballot for the election.

Bobbie Peoples filed a petition to run for District 5 Election Commission, but none of the pages of the petition list her name as the proposed candidate. The space for the candidate's name at the top of each page was left blank.

In addition, the Commonwealth's Charlie Smith has reported that several persons who are purported to have signed the petition have denied doing so, and that several of the pages appear to have been signed and filled out by the same person.

The AG opinion, requested by Supervisor Phil Wolfe, states in conclusion:

a candidate's name must appear on every page of the petition containing signatures in order for those signatures to be counted.

The AG opinion may be viewed here: Attorney General Opinion

The Bobbie Peoples candidate's petition may be viewed here: Bobbie Peoples Candidate Petition

John Pittman Hey
The Taxpayers Channel

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