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Greenwood Leflore Hospital "Safety Grade" Bumps up to "C"

Tuesday, December 15, 2020, 11:59 am News Flash Archive

Early Monday morning, the Leapfrog Group, a nation-wide non-profit healthcare safety and patient advocacy organization, issued its Fall 2020 hospital safety ratings.

Greenwood Leflore Hospital received a "C" grade in the report, up from last Spring's grade of "D".

GLH has bounced back and forth between "C" and "D" for the past four years.

TTC's previous report on GLH's "D" rating last Spring may be seen here:
Greenwood Leflore Hospital "Safety Grade" Spring 2020

The report is based on the latest publicly available data from CMS, the federal agency that administers Medicare and Medicaid, as well as upon Leapfrog hospital surveys, which collect data from the hospital administrators themselves.

Based on 27 different measures, the report attempts to provide an overall measure of patient safety. According to Leapfrog, patients treated in hospitals rated "D" or "F" are twice as likely to succumb to "avoidable deaths" as those treated in higher-rated hospitals.

This time in Mississippi, 11 hospitals gained an "A" rating, 5 a "B" rating, and 17 a "C" rating, and 4 a "D" rating. There were no "F" grades among the 37 hospitals rated in Mississippi by Leapfrog.

Local Hospitals received the following grades:
A - NW MS Medical Center (Clarksdale)
A - Baptist Memorial (Oxford)
B - Bolivar Medical Center (Cleveland)
C - DRMC (Greenville) down from "B"
C - UMMC Grenada
C - Greenwood Leflore Hospital

Baptist Medical Center in Jackson received an A grade, while St. Dominic and University Medical Center received C grades.

According to the safety report, GLH scored below average in a number of critical areas, including:

  • death from serious treatable complications
  • blood infection
  • C. diff. infection
  • dangerous bed sores
  • surgical site infection after colon surgery
  • accidental cuts and tears
  • communication about discharge
  • effective leadership to prevent errors
  • communication with nurses
  • responsiveness by staff to patient concerns
  • doctors order medications through a computer

GLH could not be graded on one of the 27 criteria, "Hand Washing," due to lack of data, according to Leapfrog.

Leapfrog has overwritten the Fall 2020 report and it is no longer available. The entire study results for GLH may be viewed here: GLH Hospital Safety Results, Fall 2020

For complete coverage of these and other hospital milestones, please go here: Taxpayers Channel coverage of Greenwood Leflore Hospital's downfall.

John Pittman Hey
The Taxpayers Channel

News Flash Archive
