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Hospital operating loss swells to $1.95 million for November

Tuesday, December 15, 2020, 2:45 pm News Flash Archive

Today, the Greenwood Leflore Hospital Board of Trustees held its regular monthly meeting.

According to the financial report provided by CFO Dawne Holmes, the Hospital had an overall operating loss of $1.95 million in November, double that of October.

However, the Hospital reduced its overall loss for November to $729,841, by drawing down $1.13 million in CARES ACT and other grant money being held in reserve.

The cash and cash equivalents burn for November was $900,000.

The Hospital has completed enrollment with the State Department of Health to begin COVID vaccinations. Timing of receipt of the vaccine has yet to be announced.

Chief of Nursing Mrs. Boyd conveyed a report about the nursing shortfall nation-wide, which is negatively impacting GLH's ability to recruit and keep nursing staff.

The Board went into executive session and excluded the media and the public for 70 minutes.

The Board meeting may be viewed here:
GLH Hospital Board Meeting of December 15, 2020

For complete coverage of these and other hospital milestones, please go here: Taxpayers Channel coverage of Greenwood Leflore Hospital's downfall.

John Pittman Hey
The Taxpayers Channel

News Flash Archive
