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Express Grain president John Coleman pleads the Fifth Amendment at his creditors meeting today

Tuesday, March 29, 2022, 5:07 pm News Flash Archive

At today's continuation of John Coleman's personal bankruptcy creditors meeting, Mr. Coleman invoked his Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination, bringing the creditors meeting to a conclusion.

According to the minutes of the meeting filed by the presiding officer, Abigail M. Marbury, Coleman was represented by his bankruptcy attorney Craig Geno, who is also representing Express Grain in its bankruptcy case.

John Colette, a criminal defense attorney from Jackson, was also present representing Coleman.

The meeting minutes may be seen here: Creditors Meeting of March 29, 2022

According to the minutes, Mr. Coleman was questioned by Ms. Marbury, as well as by the examiner, Albert Altro, appointed by the court to investigate the circumstances of Mr. Coleman's bankruptcy. Coleman filed for bankruptcy on September 29, 2021, the same day that his company, Express Grain, filed for bankruptcy.

Previously, The Taxpayers Channel had reported on the difficulties in getting Mr. Coleman to attend his creditors meeting. For our previous reporting, please see here: Bankrupt Express Grain president John Coleman answers questions at his creditors meeting

Mr. Coleman's bankruptcy attorney Craig Geno had told the court that Mr. Coleman would plead the Fifth Amendment if he was required to attend his creditors meeting and answer questions. See our reporting here: Express Grain president John Coleman will plead the 5th, his lawyer informs the court

At today's meeting, in addition to the requirements imposed on Mr. Coleman from the previous meeting, three new requirements were added:

13. Amend SOFA, line 28, to show John Coleman as accountant/bookkeeper for the records of Big Sand Properties, LLC, Connected Medical Systems, LLC, and Express Holdings, LLC

14. Provide the UST with a complete, true, and correct copy of John Coleman's 2020 tax returns

15. File Monthly Operating Reports for September 2021 - through March 2022 and pay all UST fees due

Mr. Coleman has not filed any of the required operating reports, and has not paid the bankruptcy trustee fees.

Present at the creditors meeting were:

Abigail Marbury, presiding officer
John Coleman, debtor
John Colette and Craig Geno, representing John Coleman
Lee Abraham and Jacob Jenkins, representing Dr. Michael Coleman
Albert Altro, the court appointed examiner, and his attorney
Andrea Chase and Peter Riggs, attorneys for UMB Bank
David Houston representing StoneX Commodity
Kristina Johnson representing Bank of Commerce and First South Farm Credit

The creditors meeting has been finally adjourned.


To read all our coverage of the Express Grain bankruptcy case, see here: Index of Express Grain articles


John Pittman Hey
The Taxpayers Channel

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