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Citizens outraged as Hospital Board ignores questions, expels public from meeting

Tuesday, August 21, 2018, 9:55 pm News Flash Archive

Tonight, over one hundred citizens who attended the Hospital Board meeting this evening were outraged when their questions were ignored and the Board voted to expel the press and the public from the majority of the meeting.

TTC Video of the Board Meeting may be seen here: Greenwood Leflore Hospital Board Meeting, August 21, 2018

About 28 minutes into the meeting, Board Chairman Sammy Foster called for a motion to go into executive session. The audience vocally objected, and one citizen was given three minutes to ask a few questions.

When her time was up, the Board immediately voted to go into closed session without addressing a single one of her questions. The audience was visibly and vocally outraged, with some audience members loudly demanding "we want some answers!"

The Board went into executive session anyway, and expelled the public and the doctors from the room.

Board attorney Thomas Flanagan, along with a member of hospital security, assisted in enforcing the board's order for the citizens to leave the room.

The press and the public were excluded from the meeting for 1 hour and 22 minutes.

Many audience members lingered in the hallway outside the room where the Board was meeting in secret, and discussed the hospital's collapse, and how nothing can be done about it.

For complete coverage of these and other hospital milestones, please go here: Taxpayers Channel coverage of Greenwood Leflore Hospital's downfall.

John Pittman Hey
The Taxpayers Channel

News Flash Archive
