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Hearing held on Express Grain licenses, decision likely next week

Thursday, February 3, 2022, 4:49 pm News Flash Archive

This morning, the long-awaited hearing was held by the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce on the matter of the grain warehouse licenses held by Express Grain.

Commissioner Andy Gipson heard testimony by witnesses and various exhibits were introduced.

According to MDAC spokesperson Paige Manning:

The hearing was conducted today and the Commissioner took the evidence and witness testimony under advisement. He will issue an order as to his decision most likely next week.

MDAC has been investigating whether Express Grain provided a fraudulent audit report to support its renewal applications for licenses to operate grain warehouses in Greenwood, Minter City, and Sidon.

MDAC told the bankruptcy court on December 20, 2021:

The Department believes that the alterations made by Express Grain to Horne LLP's May 20, 2021 report were made with intent to deceive the Department concerning Express Grain's true financial condition and were willful, intentional, malicious, deliberate and were not the result of an honest mistake, inadvertance, or oversight.

MDAC is investigating whether EG fraudulently renewed its warehouse licenses by submitting the altered audit report. If it did so, MDAC may revoke EG's warehouse licenses.

To read our reporting on this matter, please see: Express Grain docs show apparent cover up of huge loss in 2020

John Pittman Hey
The Taxpayers Channel

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